Confirmation 2022
Congratulations to our 2022 confirmands all of whom will be confirmed on Saturday 12th March in St. Brigid’s Church Hacketstown.

Congratulations to our 2022 confirmands all of whom will be confirmed on Saturday 12th March in St. Brigid’s Church Hacketstown.
Welcome back everyone. Its great to be able to have public mass again. It has been a difficult time for many people and I want to express my sympathy to those who have lost a loved one to the virus during the lockdown. It was particularly difficult to have to limit numbers in the church…
Counting the cost… Any wise person interested in starting his or her own business will, first of all, come up with a good business plan. They will sit down and, with their accountants and others, try to calculate the risks involved and make sure they have all their costings right. They will want to leave…
Hacketstown Parish Data Privacy Notice
The document provides a policy statement regarding the data protection obligations of our Parish, thus ensuring that we comply to Data Protection Regulations within Irish Legislation. This policy applies to all personal data collected and stored in the course of its’ activities.
What is Personal Data?
Personal Data relates to a…
Procedure for requesting sacramental certificates. All persons requesting sacramental certificates will have to produce photo ID and complete Form 001-1. This is required under GDPR regulations.
The following was written by the late Erma Bombeck after she found out she had a fatal disease.
If I had my life to live over, I would have talked less and listened more.
I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained
and the…
Our faith is the heart of the matter when it comes to our salvation. None of us, whatever our background, has any claim on God. Good is the sovereign master. In today’s liturgy, we are presented with two individuals, both foreigners, but were justified on account of their faith. What wins God’s approval is surrender…